Joel Williams

About the project

This was a partnership project between TopSoils, the SAF and Gippsland Agriculture Group.

Joel Williams is renowned for his work in soil health and plant nutrition. A highly sort after speaker, Joel has been based in Canada (although he is Australian) for the past number of years.

Joel Williams is an independent plant and soil health educator and consultant, a healthy soils advocate and a passionate presenter on soil biology, plant nutrition and integrated approaches to sustainable farming. He is interested in managing microbial ecology and crop and soil nutrition to optimise plant immunity, soil function and carbon sequestration. Joel has a passion for teaching and sharing both scientific and practical knowledge on agroecological growing practices and I have been fortunate enough to lecture to farming audiences internationally.

For more information about Joel, head over to his website “Integrated Soils”.


The Top Soils program is supported by the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. Project partners include, Southern Farming Systems, Agriculture Victoria, East Gippsland Landcare Network, Far East Victoria Landcare and Snowy River Interstate Landcare Committee.

East Gippsland CMA Logo

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